Thursday, March 30, 2006
doing god's work
i am very encouraged by this article,talking about resisting to be in the norm and living out of the norm for the lord. I can imagine how much resistence i have to overcome in order to do the greater work the lord has assigned for me.
This man is tremendously bold and stand firm in doing what the lord have for him.In a place like wallstreet,where most bankers and businessman are more preoccupied with the figures and bottom lines than to live each day in serving the lord and sacrificing your time in between your lunch breaks to have a small prayer meeting is a rare occurrence.
I prayed that if is god's will for you to work in NYC,you will continue to live each day with him in your heart. make time to talk to him and learn to rely on him, do not be swayed by the worldy desires and the worldy ways to succeed in your career. Rest in the lord and count on him to prosper you for his way is easy and straight. I pray that the lord will give you the strength both physically,mentally,and emotionally t survive the tough enviroment out there. I also pray that you will learn to give thanks to the lord whatever you are given are all blessed by him. I pray that you will be bless supernaturally with gifts which will enable you to do well on the job. Most importantly,i prayed that you will not let your work rob your personal time with our father. Our father ,the almighthy will make everything possible
My brothers-in-christ,
no matter in which part of the world now,i prayed that you guyz will always spend time in his word. Enrich yourself with his wisdom and he shall guide you all in all the things you will be doing. rely on him and not your own efforts.Have his kingdom first before everything and all things shall be added upon you. Do not succumb to temptations for satan is lurking everywhere,waiting to devour us.Be assured in what he has given to us and glorify him. Edify others and spread the gospel wherever you all go. The lord will continue to bless all of you
Living for a Greater Cause
References:-->Philippians 4:13I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
What does it mean for businesspeople to live for a cause greater than themselves in our day and time? Jeremiah Lanphier was a businessman in New York City who asked God to do this in his life in 1857.
In a small darkened room, in the back of one of New York City's lesser churches, a man prayed alone. His request of God was simple, but earth-shattering: "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" [John Woodbridge, ed., More Than Conquerors (Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1992), 337]
He was a man approaching midlife without a wife or family, but he had financial means. He made a decision to reject the "success syndrome" that drove the city's businessmen and bankers. God used this businessman to turn New York City's commercial empire on its head. He began a businessmen's prayer meeting on September 23, 1857. The meetings began slowly, but within a few months 20 noonday meetings were convening daily throughout the city. The New York Tribune and the New York Herald issued articles of revival. It had become the city's biggest news. Now a full-fledged revival, it moved outside New York. By spring of 1858, 2,000 met daily in Chicago's Metropolitan Theatre, and in Philadelphia the meetings mushroomed into a four-month long tent meeting. Meetings were held in Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, Chicago, New Orleans, and Mobile. Thousands met to pray because one man stepped out. Annus Mirabilis, the year of national revival, had begun.
This was an extraordinary move of God through one man. It was unique because the movement was lead by businessmen, a group long considered the least prone to any form of evangelical fervor, and it had started on Wall Street, the most unlikely of all places to begin.
Could God do something extraordinary through you? Take a step. Ask God to do mighty things through you.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
keeping my things in thr room order today
remove the clutter in your space and you will have a clutter free life:)
what i want to do for hubby
i begin to think of babyface and i was wondering of how to make him feel relaxed in his job in the future.. You need a break in a high performing job and definitely in order to maintain good health, you must eat well, work out and maintain a heathy mindset.
While sitting on the couch, i begin to imagine that i will try to create a relaxing home for my hubby next time, with essential oils burning,aromatherapy and some massage gel to give his stressful mind and body relax. I need to take care of his diet,making sure that he eats healthily especially vegetables ,fruits which will boost immunity system .I will also make lots of fruit juices for him to drink. It is important to eat healthily. if possible herbal tonics as well.Once in a blue moon,we will go for some spa treatment together. it is important to eat healthily and be happy.
from now on, i hv to start to get myself fit. Therapist said that i hv weak digestive system and have slight constipation which is true. My bowels are not that good and i have been having diarrhoea since the begiining of this year. My weight has alarming dropped to 48kg,my lowest record in my entire 24 years.
i feel worried but yet thank god that he may want me to look better during my ROM. And unexpectedly,god blessed me with many gifts which hoon has blessed me with. Free Diamond peeling and another body massage. Thank god for all these and a wonderful fren like HOON!!!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
resting in HIM
Upon finishing this unpleasant discourse in my head and then spending a good amount of time repenting, I realized something significant about myself. I had become weary, not to mention obnoxious. Although I had been a Christian for many years, in some areas, I was like the rocky soil Jesus speaks about in His parable. I listened intently to God’s Word, but many times lost the application the minute the daily grind started to pound in on me. My overcrowded routine would carry away the “seed” before it would have a chance to take root. In this case, the concept of Jesus carrying my burdens and lightening my load was just that – a concept. A foreign idea I never quite understood.
Jesus explains to us how to apply His truths and how to be “good soil.” He tells us to really hear the Word, understand it and persevere. Then we will produce a good crop, yielding a great deal more than was originally sown.
For me, hearing meant listening with an active ear and an undistracted heart. Understanding meant taking the daily quiet time needed to permit the Holy Spirit to plant the Word deep within me. Persevering, at times, can mean waiting patiently for the seed to grow. It may also mean seeking God with your whole heart until He alone reveals His truths to you.
The Bible contains so many promises. If we take a hard look, we may recognize some of these promises have yet to be fully experienced. Could this be due to rocky soil?
God wants us all to produce a good crop. Ask Him today to help you remove the rocky places in your life that are keeping you from fully receiving everything He has to offer.
My Prayer for Today:
Father, Please help me receive all you have for me. Let my heart be open and ready to take delivery of all of your truths. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Application Steps:
Take a few minutes before Bible study, small group, Sunday school, or personal devotion time and ask God to prepare your heart. Ask God to keep your thoughts focused and your mind undistracted. Take notes during the sermon and review them later. Place important points or Bible verses on a note card and position them where you can see them frequently throughout the day.
Reflection Points:
Are there promises are in the bible I have yet to experience?
In what areas of my life, do I need to “remove the rocks”?
How can I eliminate the “distractions” during times of worship and personal devotion?
Power Verses:
Matthew 11:30, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (NIV)
Psalms 55:22, “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” (NIV)
Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (NIV)
Exodus 33:14, “The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’" (NIV)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Hectic day
I keep thanking god that i have such wonderful collegues and i realise they are a whole lot bunch of fun people to hang out with. we are able to have the same interest on off days and most important we can hang out on off days.Thank god for such wonderful gift.
It was a hectic day. We have fun exchanging our clothes and after that i went out and meet hoon and the rest of them . have fun listening to weiling's story. Well i reallie appreciate my every enounter i have with my friends in my life.
Back home after all the adrenaline rush, I can finally pause and reflect for the day. I like it,i like medidating on the word. I miss having some quiet time with the lord and i cannot wait to talk to him about my life.Lord i pray that you will continue to bless me with a wonderful life which is fulfillinf and happy and healthy
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The requirements of waiting
Psalm 27:1-14
Waiting on the Lord is a basic principle in the Christian life. The problem is that doing so runs counter to our human nature. We want to take action and grasp what we desire, but the Spirit says to sit still before God and receive from Him. To counter what “self” tells us, God’s Spirit will help us grow in four areas.
Faith. On his own, man can make little sense of the command to pause before the Lord. Human logic says, “Surely God expects us
to reason things out;” however, only when we regard life from a faith perspective will the benefits of stillness become clear. During times of uncertainty or great stress, we find comfort as we are quiet in His presence. The more we develop a strong belief system, the better we will become at practicing this discipline.
Humility. To counter our natural inclinations, we must be convinced that we need God and that we cannot live without His guidance. Only then are we willing to submit our lives and ourselves to His way and His timing.
Patience. This characteristic is essential if we are to remain in our present situation and refrain from taking action until God directs us otherwise.
Courage. When people second-guess our motives or pressure us to make a decision, godly courage is required. Through our practice of quiet dependence on the Lord, we will be able to stand firm.
Waiting on the Lord is not a waste of time; it is a declaration that God is in charge. Furthermore, it demonstrates a significant investment in kingdom work. Why not invest your time in this wise way?
SO important to uplift you
I will cheer u up when you are down .No doubts about that. I am worried for you .I feel really happy when you are in high spiritts and suddenly,i told myself that i ahve to be upbeat in order to bring joy to you.
I will pray for you as i want to submit all these to the lord. I know the lord will bring my husband to greater height and allow him to submit to him.
It is so important to be quiet and restful. The external circumstances will be harsh but we must learn how to maintain an inner peace which will not be swayed by anything. tough work but we can start practising him.
In my heart, you are a very talented guy, good social skills and very well like and respected by everyone. No use trying to get into good books coz u can naturally do that. You need to break that barrier of low self confidence and also your low self image. You are made in the image of god and god will not allow his children to feel low about them.
I will pray very hard for you. i hope i can be a solace and comfort to you whenever you have any problems,build a house where you can rest and relax in
Listening Hard for God
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov. 19:18).Waiting upon God is necessary in order to see Him, to have a vision of Him. The time element in vision is essential. Our hearts are like a sensitive photographer's plate; and in order to have God revealed there, we must sit at His feet a long time. The troubled surface of a lake will not reflect an object.
Our lives must be quiet and restful if we would see God. There is power in the sight of some things to affect one's life. A quiet sunset will bring peace to a troubled heart. Thus the vision of God always transforms human life.Jacob saw God at Jabbok's ford, and became Israel. The vision of God transformed Gideon from a coward into a valiant soldier. The vision of Christ changed Thomas from a doubting follower into a loyal, devout disciple.
But men have had visions of God since Bible times. William Carey saw God, and left his shoemaker's bench and went to India. David Livingstone saw God, and left all to follow Him through the jungles of dark Africa. Scores and hundreds have had visions of God, and are today in the uttermost parts of the earth working for the speedy evangelization of the heathen. --Dr. PardingtonThere is hardly ever a complete silence in the soul. God is whispering to us well-nigh incessantly. Whenever the sounds of the world die out in the soul, or sink low, then we hear the whisperings of God. He is always whispering to us, only we do not hear, because of the noise, hurry, and distraction which life causes as it rushes on. --F. W. Faber
"Speak, Lord, in the stillness,While I wait on Thee;Hushed my heart to listenIn expectancy."Speak, O blessed Master,In this quiet hour;Let me see Thy face, Lord,Feet Thy touch of power.
"For the words Thou speakest,'They are life,' indeed;Living bread from Heaven,Now my spirit feed!"Speak, Thy servant heareth!Be not silent, Lord;Waits my soul upon TheeFor the quickening word!"
Friday, March 17, 2006
so many praises
another thing to give thanks to the lord is that he hooked me up with a fantastic photographer-Nickgoh who is so sincere and patient in his services. He is so genuine and professional in his consultation.He is like a fren who offers me lots of advice even though this will be the first time we are meeting. I thank god for that.
I just spend my last three hour in the word...looking through some bible study notes which i got from the net that touches on JOB:How to suffer....awesome book of teaching which depicts that god never abandons one in the midst of suffering and that suffering is not necessarily due to personal sin of one suffering.i always feel so good when i spend some quiet time with him. sometimes i really wish i can indulge my whole day worshipping him....studying his word
lately,i hv been caught up with too many earthly worries and desires which has robbed my time away from reallie hard when your schedule is rush and tight and somehow it seemed so difficult to squeezze some time for the word..because by the time you finish everything, you are usually tired...:P
anyway....just feel that is good to pause for a while and take a break....schdeule your tasks and timeline and of course keeping a check list that you always have the time for the word....That is very important.
I just made a prayer list(like carolyn) in order to make my prayers focus and not to miss out praying for anyone i love and care:
Thursday:Ronald'sDad and Mum
Friday:Ronald's sisters
Saturday:Extended Family
Sunday :Friends
I know god i have always so many desires and worries but i know said that we should cast all our cares upon you and not worry about tommorow. Ask and you shall receive. Recently, my heart is burning with these desires...i thought of pening them down:
-job in shichida;my calling in teacching
-missionary trip -3 weeks at the end of this year
-my rom
-my perfect wedding
-my classes
-my future studies
-my children's ministry:teaching in sunday's schools
They keep ringing in my head.
Sometimes i feel there are so many thoughts going through my head a day. I need to be less nervous the several tasks i need to to handle. i think i shall be firm on fixing a day for exercising....definitely good for the emotional and physical health.Many a times you will feel abit roller coaster in your emotion.Inevitable.....sometimes i wonder how come i hv so much energgy at classes...and when comes back home i am dead like a pig...dun wish to think dun wish to do anything...
i thank god that he may have given me what he wants me to do but i will continue to pray for his gifts to be bestowed upon me..
my life each day lives with the principal of doing my very best of what is being assigned to me,be happy and positive and that is why i think time seemed to pass rather easily and yet quckly but yet there are times when my inner soul yearns for spiritual food and i begin to reflect..that's when human desires start to come begin to start to feel discontented and yearn for more.Begin to ask " Why don't I,what if,maybe i can do these...?"Suddenly all the peace break out and i feel like just not reflecting...
I love to write ,i realise ,i love arts and music but yet i am not the very extreme kind...
I do not really know what this entry is about
just some random array of thoughts.....
i prayy that god will guide me to his will in my life
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Be righteous in whatever you do
God hates lying and thievery. Each of us has the opportunity to exercise the principles of justice and equity or to take advantage of others. There are various forms of dishonesty such as wasting time on the job, taking what doesn't belong to us, unethically conducting business, lying, and committing fraud. God's Law includes them all.
Our conduct with others goes much deeper than either word or deed; it goes to the hidden motives of our hearts and reveals what we truly are. Jesus taught: From within, out of the heart of men, proceed . . . All . . . evil things . . . and defile the man (Mark 7:21-23; compare Matthew 15:19-20). This means that the thoughts and actions of a Christian should always be the expression of what Jesus would think and do.
The attitude of fairness and consideration for others' well-being applies to a Christian's daily relationships with others. It is possible to have bitter thoughts while doing kind deeds and to say loving words while having wrong attitudes and motives. But, our Adamic nature and its self-serving conduct can be overcome by the Christ-centered nature that He has bestowed within us. The self-centered "I" must give way to Christ and His control.
Abraham, the father of the faithful (Romans 4:11), exemplified this principle as he gave up his right to the possession of the best land to his nephew Lot in order to settle a dispute (Genesis 13:8-9).
We do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (fleshly), but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds . . . bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10:3-5).
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
my greater mission
I love children.their innocence, their non-pretendence, their little small hearts, their carefreeness,their kindness.i love them. i want to work with them. i want to help the poor and misfortunate children around the world.It saddened me to see so many young ones are suffering from malnutrition,broken families,diseases,lord bless these little ones .Lord open up channels to help them.
be a doer
Building truth into our lives means that we cannot merely hear God’s Word; we must do what it says. James explains that a hearer is Forgetful — when tough situations arise, his accumulated knowledge means nothing. But a doer is blessed. His prior experience tells him God will guide him through future valleys.
If you want to be a scriptural doer, first identify a point of need — the best place to begin building a foundation of truth is in the area you feel the most interest, pressure, or pain. For instance, if your problem is financial, start by opening the Bible and asking God to reveal the truth about money: Who owns it all? Why does Scripture talk about tithing? Can money become our master? We can use the Word of God even before we are very familiar with it — many Bibles include a concordance, which lists verses related to a variety of topics.
Second, make a personal application of the truth revealed in the Scriptures. Accept God’s principle as authentic and real, and then be obedient to what He says. If we are learning about forgiveness, we forgive even though the act might be painful.
Third, observe and record what happens when you obey. People often make requests but neglect to notice or thank God when He answers. Observing the Lord’s provision will cement our trust and prepare us for future faith tests. Recording what He does ensures we will remember His care for years.
Building a foundation of truth requires a long-term commitment. The more we learn God’s principles, the more fully will His Word support our life.
For if you just listen and don't obey, it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance.
You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.
But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law – the law that sets you free – and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.
Lord,you mean the world to me
I am feeling a bit down but not down exactly...partly...just the sickness just dampen my spirit. I try to be strong admist the whole series of thin gs that are upon my shoulders.not major issues though, if you give a second thought about it.Took a half day off and dragged myself back home in that super scorching weather head spinned yet i have to make my way back. i asked the lord:"what do you ahve for me in my life?"
Planning marriage, taking on more responsbilities at work...but somehow human can never feel satisfied...i feel a lack..probably in my spiritual life.I always wanted to serve the lord. I ofetn ask "god what do you have for me in my life? what is your will and plan for me?" "is my calling in teaching?"I think i have not been talking to you lately. i put work in priority,i put all my worries above you recently. i realised i have not been talking to you sufficiently which explains why i am feeling abit empty now. I realised my deep and secure relationship with you is my biggest joy in my life. Nothing more but just resting in you and enjoying that peace and joy.
I ahve been caught by work,shelfing my personal time with you.How important is that i realise?Reading Frances' entry encouraged me. When was the last time i have prayed and relied so hard on you? I remember the feeling. It was rejuvenating,rejoicing even though the process was tough. I yearn to expereince it again
A thought came to my mind.MISSION TRIP. Lord, i have a desire for along time and i pray that you will put me on one where i will bless the people i came upon. i did not know the thought came popping up to me. i looked at the work nature now. it did not seemed possible and lord ,you know my heartmost desire, to teach your words to children, to serve in your ministry. I always wonder and pray that you will open my eyes to my gifts. I see the process now as a path towards a greater mission you have for me. i know one day, you will lay it out for me and i do not need to worry about tommorow.
I love what i am doing now. I thank you. But most importantly each day, i want to know i am glorifying has not allowed me to worshipp you on SUnday . But i believe you will bless me with greater things. i want to keep close to you and submit my prayers to you.
I pray that will be gentle in my heart, slow in wrath and anger and be a good listener.
Open my heart and my communcaition to be patient
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
As I chanced upon yo
Behold , you are a beautiful creation of god
Caring and gentle, you cushion my sadness
Dearest to my heart where your name shall stay
Ever and never will I
Find someone else,
Greater and wonderful just like you.
Happiness is all I want to give to you,
Ignite the joy that comes from heaven.
Jotting my little sweet thoughts for you,
Keep my mind heart ,spirit and
Love to be pure and faithful.
Merrily merrily merrily;
Never and ever will I change.
Only one will
Perpetuate forever,
Quiescent and unchangable
Ronald is thy thee.
Selfless and unconditional
That’s my love I declared
Unity usurp my heart string to yours
Votary is my name
With angels and fairies hand in hand
Xilarating my love to you day by day
Your soul is now I feel all the time
Zoe and Zealous is my love.
3 March 2006