Friday, April 17, 2009

Support Char's fight!

I am crying and pouring out into tears when i read each entry of the blog. Char,my friend' goddaughter is such a strong little girl fighting against the illness. Read her journey to support her fight. It pained my heart to read about about the sadness her mum is going through as well. Dear god, I pray that little Char will get well. Strengthen Cynthia as she went through this difficulty time alone,juggling with the multiple roles that she had to handle. Let's be thankful for the good health that our children have.

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!

Reunion by FIL

Korean Pig Out

Before I started work in January, I went to Susan's place and learned how to cook Korean food from her. I decided on my favorite Korean's dishes and prepared the dishes together with her and her maid. Gosh, now I knew why the drama ( Da Chang Jin) had such lavish preparation of their dishes for their royal highness. I am not sure if I will ever do this alone at home again. Pretty time consuming for a 7 course meal.Took us 4 hours!

A night out alone.

Yesterday was remarkable.

After meeting Sylvia for coffee and donuts, I went to the Esplanade Library. Love the place as it has a nice corner overlooking the city skyline plus it has a wonderful collection of CDs,VCDs and DVDs,music scores and a little cafe. I am seriouly considering to upgrade my membership to a premium account. I love the National Libraries. I think it has the highest hits on the list of places i had visited since I am back in Singapore. Central, Bukit Panjang, Choa Chu Kang, Jurong...I think libraries are cool...

Walking back,I saw this exhibit that featured interviews with the nuns about why they chose to be nuns. It made me thought about God, Christianity and other religions. Human beings are constantly looking out for peace, joy and happiness but which is the way to attain all these. Different religions have their own beliefs of attaining these, i believe the only way is through my daily relationship and walk with HIM.

And I went to visit Singapore Art Musuem. Thank god, it was a Friday and there was free admission after 6pm. I wouldn't have pay for it to go a second time. Not very impressed by the way the pieces are curated or presented.Seriously, I think there is a lot of room for improvement. In fact, I felt the layout was confusing and I felt a little disoriented. Thankfully,what saves the day was the "Ubroken Line by the Wu GuanZhong collection". I love his art work as they really communicate his feelings about the people,community and scenaries in his life.
To Wu, the feelings of the individual were supreme. Equally important, however, was the individual's emotional link with the community

Then i took a slow stroll towards Bugis. I am curious about the new ILLUMA mall and was greatly disappointed by it. The place looked extravagant on the outside and inside. I thought it was too spacious that I felt it was too empty. Shops featured were mainly for youngsters and a lot of them were not opened. And I couldn't believe my own impatience of not waiting another 15 minutes to see Aaron Kwok who would be there for his publicity event! I used to be his fan! Digressing, I am more impressed with the new Tampinese Central Mall ( yes the one with Uniqlo and the new Mananpu Foodcourt). I think they feature a different range of stores which are not typical in the usual malls. I love it.

Ended off taking a train to Novena, sat there at the station for 20 minutes quietly, reflecting and thinking while waiting for BB. We met and took a train back. XJ came over to our place and we talked till 3am.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cupcake making


Pictures from a few months ago in a cupcake decorating class.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sister Island

BB had always been on a mailing list for outdoor activities and that's how we got to know about this Sister's Island trip.It was an overnight trip which we would camp one night on Sister Island and returned on the Sunday afternoon. It had been a while since we last camped ( more than 2 years!).In fact, the relationship sparked off from a hiking trip in Ophir( which I believed many had already heard me ranting the story for many times:)

Anyway, I realised that I did not enjoy camping as much as I had in my younger days. (gosh, is that a sign that indicates that i will prefer much luxurious travel instead of backpacking and roughing it out in the tents and hostels?)This trip, i ensured that we packed more stuff to make sure that my ONE night stay was a comfortable one. Moisturiser, powder,foam boards to have a softer touch on the grounds and lots lots food so that i have enough to eat. On top of that, I am also a bit more resistant to swimming in the ocean ,mainly because i am wondering how many crawlies feelies were on the seabed ( Eeks, another sign of aging because i am not such a scardy cat in the past)I also couldn't believe i kept wining that we should have brought a 4 man tent instead of a 2 man tent so that we had more space to sleep ( duh?)

Well,even though i had concluded that I am indeed not as outdoorsy as the past, I still love nature alot. I enjoyed the breeze,hanging around on the hammock, looking at the clouds and the trees for a long period of time,predicting where the rainshowers are in Singapore...bascially just veg out.Also, I would also put myself to good use by helping BB plucked his white hairs which he enjoyed tremendously and told me that he felt very love!!!:) ( weird?) We both agreed that Sister Island is a very nice and quiet place to camp again and we would definitely come back again. We were impressed by the clear water which it provides in some of the islands in Malaysia.



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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Starry Night

Me time. Reading, reflecting ,letting my emotions run wild as I listen to this soundtrack from Boys Before Flowers. I love silence of the night.