October is a month when the Lows finally decided to settle down in
Joy Christian Fellowship. The church has just opened up its second service in the Cineplex which is just 10min near their place. They find the church very homely and people are welcoming and nice. It is an American Korean Church so the Lows definitely has a fair share of conversation exchanges about Korean drama with their cell members. The pastor’s sermon was structured and easy to comprehend. The Lows decided to join the cellgroup which would be doing a book called
“Gospel Transformation”. An excellent book which has been keeping them accountable to doing daily devotionals and keeping track of their spiritual life. Life in NYC was just too hectic sometimes. There were too many things which might distract and keep your focus on the lord. So , it was therefore good that the Lows were going through a book which had tremendous good exercises to work on that helped them to learn about the bible each week. Every Sunday, the Lows will spend almost the whole day involving in the fellowship and service. The Lows think that god has a purpose for everything. Just when they were all settled in the group and their apartment, they were faced with one of the biggest trial which both of them had ever experienced after their marriage. The man’s job was threatened by the Credit Crunch in the US market. This was the last thing they would ever think it could occur them. They were at a lost. The Lows was down for the last week of October. Everything seemed to be thrown in the vast ocean again. The atmosphere at home was no longer cheery. The Lows were thinking about their future, their next step. How could this happen to the Lows since they had been praying about their direction in life. After much praying, the Lows reckoned that this is going to be one trial the lord is putting them to a test. A test to strengthen the marriage even further to survive the ordeal as one, a test for greater faith and obedience in his sovereignty.
Photos of fellowship
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