Friday, February 10, 2006

God heals me

This is amazing as the word of god is being spread forth. Frances, i am also every encouraged by what you wrote. god definitely has played agreat role in each and everyone of our life. I am very touched by what you and angela have written. beofre yesterday, i am contemplating if i should have written n entry as well. I am pretty reserved about this. i keep blogs but nobody reads except myself and sometimes Ronald.
It encourages me when i know that we are counting on the lord for every little thing in our life. everyday, when we are stress or when we are feeling that we cannot do the job anymore, i will just tell god to lead me . Someitmes, i feel i cannot hear him like what angela said, sometimes i feel his presence very strongly. I frequently asked myself if the lord is talking to me or am I talking to myself. Some times i am in doubt. But I grow stronger each time i over come uncertainty,difficulties in life. God operates in a miraculous way!!!!He does nto gives us direct answer so that we can learn to submit ourselves to him,ultimately knowing that what we have actuallie came from him and nobody else.He thought me "patience"!!!What a great lesson. All this while, i learn to be patient .to lay aside my desires and faithfully waiting for the lord's answers to my prayers. SOme have come true and some have not.But i continue to place my trust in him that he has a greater plan for me.
You guyz know it has been a dream for me to work overseas. And two years back after we came back from YNP, i actually have a chance to work over there and i mean two opportunities. that was a temptation placed by the devil. Luckily that time , i ahve a christian friend who guided me through my confusion and made me realise what most important is my family then. And they need me. I thank god for that wisdom implanted in me. And now i continue to give praises to the lord for what i have today. If i have gone to the states, i will not meet someone whom i am going to spend the rest of my life with. i always think that is god's perfect timing. he guides me to be in a job which i can do well and of course most importantly be delightful in whatever i am doing everyday. I have doubts once in a while, like moving on to a new job but i cast that in the name of jesus. Deep within my heart ,i truely believes what he has for me will be the best.As long as we have a heart for him, he will hear our prayers and guide us along.
I also want to share with you guyz something personal in my life. This is the greatest healing i received from god. SOme of you maynot have heard it.But some of you have. AS i am writing this, i ask god for courage. While i was in YNP, my mum has actuallie passed away two years back due to breast cancer. I never felt he family was completed because Mum played such an important role in my life. there is always something missing and i always appear evasive when someone asked me about her. I do not know how to answer that question. Everyone is strong in the family but i guess everyone is trying to act strong.i remember that time when i am knowing god,god told me that she is watching me from somewhere. god knows that i am missing her and his love touches me greatly!!!!!God healed my sadness and emptiness of a loss of love one. He filled me with love and courage to face the world with an open heart. I never forgot how he touches me by sending great friends like you girls in my life.Definitely,the crusaders as well. just wanna tell you all that gals brought so much joy during then and has helped me overcome a great barrier in my life.
Till now, i still thank god that i am breaking this piece of newes to you gals. I belive god has a greater purpose for us to share our testimonies over here. God has his timing!!!Is always perfect and is always for a greater cause. I believe angela god will continue to lead your way for you...telli..u as well.WE never know how mighty he is until we expereince his grace in our life.Praise him always,in times of joy and more importantly in times of difficulties as well. The flesh finds it hard to do that but with the strength of the lord, all things which are impossible in the man are possible with the lord.
I love you gals ,definitely frens which are worth to

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