Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Beautiful Women

Is always good to have a fellowship group with women who were much more mature than you.Though they were way older than me but they were so young in heart!My beautiful Wednesday Woman's group especially Renee the cell leader, she is one woman whom I looked upon. Gentle in spirit, she almost fits perfectly to the Proverbs 31 Women.I learned so alot from her.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I want to do this more often!

Strawberry picking!!!I love doing this.April -June is the season for picking strawberries.Before the in-laws came, I went once with Susan and the kids and thought this would be a fantastic activity to to do with the in-laws. Furthermore, the strawberries were so cheap and fresh in Lyon's Farm . Look at the the two full tubs we had. They only cost 4 us dollars.And on top of that, you can pick your own vegetables like pumpkins, zuccini,tomatoes..so healthy and theraputic getting back to the nature.

The Americans love to pick their own vegetables and do their own jam, ice-cream.So fun! I want to try to make my own jam too. I manage to get this cool site where there is a list of all the farms in the states and some teaching tips on canning and ice-cream making.I am so happy that there are more farms nearby to the new place where we are going to be . Hooray!!!

So besides the juicy strawberries which made me happy that day, I received a call from the admission office of TC that I was accepted for my application. Hoo HOO!!!Double happiness for that day!Friends who have been patiently hearing my rambles on this issue for the last three years.haha, the dream has finally come true.

Mother's Day Celebration

Flowers do make women happy and definitely these mummies.I invited Susan, my dear fren in Durham over with her family to have a mini Mother's day celebration.MIL was extremely thrilled by the dozen roses and kept asking me to take a few pictures of her with the flowers. Plus, the pink Kenneth Cole's handbag i got for her from NYC was to her liking that she started carrying it for the last week since she was here.
I am so happy that she liked the little gifts I got for her. I had been wondering how to celebrate this day for her.

Being a bad cook myself,I couldn't whip up a sumptuous dinner as many would be. Instead, the task of whipping up the dinner was assigned to the three men of the family, the FIL ( fantastic cook!),Mason( "HK Chef") and Ron( "Rfamily's co-chef). I felt so bad but I reckoned that the task should be outsourced instead of torturing everyone to try my cooking.Till the day I master the art,I will definitely be more confident to whip up meals for the family.Right now, BB has to be my guinea pig.:P

Saturday, May 12, 2007

BB's Graduation

Happy happy!!!So proud of him while he was standing on the stage receiving the scroll. BB has finally graduated!What a roller coaster for these two years. From his application to his graduation,I can't really describe the feeling of sharing this special moment of someone you love dearly. It was one great milestone in his life chapter which i was part of it.Glad and thankful. Coach K's speech was enlightening and motivating. He reminded the Class of 2007 to balance ( family and career),do simple ( small moves towards your goal)and to follow passion ( not do something for the sake of money.FYI, Coack K is the master coach for the dream team many years back ago.Can you believe he is the teacher for Michael Jordan, Majic Johnson etc??

The graduation ceremony


Proud and Happy Parents!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

SC from TC

Third entry in a day. Forgive me. Too many thoughts going through today.
Met up with the professor in TC.Gosh. Enlightening. Heart-warming. SC is just such a dear mentor. Said things which probe you to think more.
Striking a balance pursuing your passion and other parts of your life like your husband and children.
Be practical with money matters and stay open and welcome any opportunities which come along the way.
Staying focus and delighting in the work you are doing.
Things may change in your course of your life and embrace changes.
Treat every work you do as learning opportunity.
Take a step to try and you never know what is lying ahead.
There are always way out. No dead end.
I am glad I met such a helpful and patient professor.

Silent of the night

Journaling from NYC right now.I have so much mixed feelings today about the city. Driving towards the BIG APPLE was exciting initially. NEW YORK...here i come...Yes, in two months time, this will be the place where I will be living for the next few years. I love the energy of this place , the endless bustling activities which run through the wee hours of the night, the rich and diverse population living here but I can't stand the dirtiness, the rats running across the streets, the old run down buildings and METROs, the sirens of NYPDs.Verdict?Unknown.Leave it up to God to provide and protect.
My brain was tuned to " high alert" automatically whenever I stepped into this city. It is pretty safe as compared to the 1970s but the usual blursotong me will be super alert in this city whenever I walked along the streets.So not me. Eyes will be roaming, to ensure that no one was following me, no one is trying to get near to me to rob me or any weird people trying to be funny with me. Don't let me scare you. Things are not as bad here.In fact, is pretty safe. I am just too use to COUNTRY LIVING now.The SIMPLE way of life in Durham. I am a COUNTRY mouse and not a CITY mouse. Every New Yorker seemed to be so strong ,so tough, so shrewd and so independent, not people you want to mess with. I am just stereotyping,so take what i say with a pinch of salt. Of course , there will be nice people out there, somewhere in the city,someone who just want to be SIMPLE like me. I just need to meet them to make my life even happier. PRAY.TRUST.OBEY.
This is a highly competitive city. The hungry, the driven,the talented ones from all over the world will try to make a mark here. Both of us came here by chance, by god given opportunities. We thank god for it because we knew there are new things for us to learn, new things for us to explore and definitely a new chapter in our lives.We gonna come out stronger after these few years, taking away valuable lessons God wants us to learn.Is exciting in a way. We said to each other" it will be colorful like the rainbow".
Interestingly, despite the hustle and bustle of the city, it made you even more contemplative about what was going on and what will happen.Anchoring and keeping true to yourself and God.I like this feeling. Contemplative. And pening my thoughts in the middle of the night in one small apartment at Wall Street. Off.

Good training

I must pen this down!I drove the longest distance ever in my life for the first time.And the first time in torrential heavy rain which blurred my vision that I could not even see a single thing in front of me. Scary , isn't it? A new driver driving in such terrible conditions.
The rain came unexpectedly when we were in Richmond, three hours after the sunshine weather in North Carolina.Caught me off guard...but the daredevil side of me wanted to challenge myself to overcome this. I was already having butterflies in my stomach. Of course with some secret prayers and 100% concentration , I managed to brave through this ordeal and arrived safely with my hubba!!!
Gosh, I hope after this trip, i will be a better driver!