Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008!

Merry Christmas to everyone. May everyone of you out there have a joyous celebration this year with your love ones.

As for me,on the eve of Xmas, I had spent my time with the Shermans to be part of their family tradition to bake sugar cookies. I am terribily thrilled, just because I thought it would always be fun to do something together with the family especially I am away from home this year. While I was looking at Crosswalk devotional before I went to bed last night,I was reminded the purpose of celebrating Christmas. Amidst all those shopping and gifts,the coming and the birth of Jesus Christ is the biggest salvation to all mankind on this special day.Today as I wake up and celebrate the first coming of the Lord, like a new beginning, I thank god for all the wonderful blessing and amazing journey he has been with me for the past year. It has been trialing but looking back and seeing how how much I have grown personally and with others, I knew I wouldn't come so far without his strength and help.Thank you, my abba....

"He who came as a lowly man to serve will assuredly come to take the reward of His service. He who came to suffer will not be slow in coming to reign. This is our glorious hope, for we shall share His joy." ( Faith Checkbook, December 25th 2008)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Winter Bliss

Trying to slow down myself after the past year of being on the move all the time--balancing work and study and pushing myself to my limits. Today was awesome. I walked the dogs in the park and enjoyed the afternoon winter sun. I listened to the Christmas Carols playing at the background and losing myself in the kitchen working on the Martha Steward baking recipes.I fed my little nephew with his little cute bottle.It has been a long long long time since I did all this. What a great feeling!Tommorow is Christmas Eve...I am excited.

Teachers College New York

Monday, December 22, 2008