Sunday, August 09, 2009

How do you celebrate National Day?

I am never more thankful this year that I am a Singaporean. I started my day in the church with a few church leaders leading the service. Under their leading, the congregation thank god that he has built a prosperous nation where economics, education,health care ,business and finance and environment has been prospererous in every area in his hands. We prayed that he would grant our leaders the wisdom, integrity and clarity to continue to lead our nation to greater heights.Pastor reminded and prayed how important educators were in the areana of building our next generation. His words spoke to my heart of the role that I played in my market place. It reaffirmed and encouraged me that I should continue to serve my children, teachers, principals and colleagues with a fervant heart to glorify him.

I really thank god each time I saw a new development, a new mall , a new park along the streets. Having lunch with hubs in the ION this afternoon made me excited being part of a nation that is so progressive and efficient. I kept exclaiming," Look this is something new. we have all the different japanese snacks now. " "Oooh, check out thirty six degree supermarket. We can have Waitrose key lime pie." " I am excited to see the Marina Garden City!" Singapore is amazing, isn't it? Having spent a few years out of the country, I felt our country has grown so much. I love being part of a city that is so efficient and cosmopolitan.

Using the Singapore pledge as the central theme for this year NDP was a wonderful idea. As the various performances unfolded through the 10 chapters, I was led and being reminded of the hardship that our great forefathers had went through to build the present Singapore that we had seen. I especially like how Chen Wei Lian and Gail Ong presented my favourite NDP songs " Its' a favourite thing". Are we moving towards a more inclusive society where hope and love could be given to the even less priviledged of the country? I hope so.
I am not sure if you teared as the performers put up a wonderful medley of the old NDP songs, National anthem and pledge but I do. Singapore is really my home, my nation where I grew up.I need to think about how I can give back/serve the people of the country . Aren't I patriotic or what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[I am not sure if you teared as the performers put up a wonderful medley of the old NDP songs, National anthem and pledge but I do.] - I was moved by it too. The pledge part and the 8:22 idea was so good. And it's so nice to see the President detoured from entering his car directly and went out to shake hands with the participants. I guess he doesn't want to leave too and doesn't want the wonderful evening to end.