Sunday, January 02, 2011

A quiet start to 2011

It was a quiet start to the beginning of New Year. We retired early in the night after cell group and a short celebration at Winnie's place. Woke up to sunny weather and clear blue sky at 9am on 1/1/2011, had some delicious Aunt Nellie's muffins and began our 10km hike from Bukit Timah to MacRitchie. Oh, what a great way to kickstart my new year like that! The adrenaline rush was terrific as we walked through a new route which we never took before, discovering little lookouts that amazed us and we said to each other that we should do this more often. 10km seemed all so long towards the end as I began to lament when would the end point be. And Hubs said to me that I should focus my energy on the beautiful nature around me and continue enjoying the walk. The advice was wise. I then began to see the misty greens, the changing color chameleon, the busy ants on the muddy roads...and i thought to myself. I must have missed out so many beautiful things for the past year with my focus on work.

2011 resolution is to make a conscious effort to slow down myself ( especially from work), be more patient and appreciate every beautiful moment of life. 3 hours of slow walk instead of half hour ride on the car is all I need at times......

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