Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where are you,in thoult heaven?

We never know how much we treasure them till they leave us.
We never know how much we have loved and they have loved,
Till they are no longer around.
They brought us to this world and give us life .
They shed blood and tears for us.
They never stop looking out for us.
They never stop providing for us.
How many times have we taken them for granted?
How many times have we broken their hearts?
When was the last time we give them hugs?
When was the last time we ever take a closer look at them,
And realised that time have spared no more,
There are more lines written across
If the clock turns back,
will we take back our nasty remarks ?
will we no longer walk in our ways ?
will we just be obedient and say "I love you,Daddy and Mummy"
*written for people who lost them and for those who still have the chances to love them*


Anonymous said...

I sometimes think about how it would be like when they are gone. It seems like a terribly lonely place without the folks who dote and nag at us.

Anonymous said...

indeed....when they let loose ,you wonder how are they and when they hold on, you can't wait to break away..i wonder now that you are a mummy,have you ever thought you will be unable to let go when Liz grow up?

Anonymous said...

Yar we have discussed that they have to be out our house by 21 yrs old. And I do want to encourage them to travel and see the world sorts. But I know it could be easier said than done. heh.