Saturday, May 19, 2007

Mother's Day Celebration

Flowers do make women happy and definitely these mummies.I invited Susan, my dear fren in Durham over with her family to have a mini Mother's day celebration.MIL was extremely thrilled by the dozen roses and kept asking me to take a few pictures of her with the flowers. Plus, the pink Kenneth Cole's handbag i got for her from NYC was to her liking that she started carrying it for the last week since she was here.
I am so happy that she liked the little gifts I got for her. I had been wondering how to celebrate this day for her.

Being a bad cook myself,I couldn't whip up a sumptuous dinner as many would be. Instead, the task of whipping up the dinner was assigned to the three men of the family, the FIL ( fantastic cook!),Mason( "HK Chef") and Ron( "Rfamily's co-chef). I felt so bad but I reckoned that the task should be outsourced instead of torturing everyone to try my cooking.Till the day I master the art,I will definitely be more confident to whip up meals for the family.Right now, BB has to be my guinea pig.:P

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