Happy happy!!!So proud of him while he was standing on the stage receiving the scroll. BB has finally graduated!What a roller coaster for these two years. From his application to his graduation,I can't really describe the feeling of sharing this special moment of someone you love dearly. It was one great milestone in his life chapter which i was part of it.Glad and thankful.
Coach K's speech was enlightening and motivating. He reminded the Class of 2007 to balance ( family and career),do simple ( small moves towards your goal)and to follow passion ( not do something for the sake of money.FYI, Coack K is the master coach for the dream team many years back ago.Can you believe he is the teacher for Michael Jordan, Majic Johnson etc??
The graduation ceremony
Proud and Happy Parents!
heyo....congrats to u 2! and ALL the best to flipping a new chapter in your lives!
Thanks ellie san, can't wait to see you all in June.Hehhe we can celebrate birthday together again!
Thanks ellie san, can't wait to see you all in June.Hehhe we can celebrate birthday together again!
Congratulations - it was a joint effort, I think!
Boy, we are so happy for you. It is indeed a great accomplishment and we couldn't be more proud of you. Well done, bro.
With lots of love from your family, especially your beloved sistas and cutesy nephew and neices- nic, abi and rachel who love you to bits.
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