Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Crazy Man and Crazy Soccer


Check out the video the love one send to me. He is totally crazy about Arsenal Team and dying to get tickets to watch one match . He has been trying to get one since the day we arrived in London. But apparently, one ticket can be 100 quids at least. Can you imagine? And now with his hopes dashing ,he went for a tour in the stadium????

And poor me is down with food poisoning viewing his video..


Little Miss Snooze said...

looking at your upcoming Spain, Morocco trips...*sigh*...post pics ok!

Anonymous said...

u changed ur layout! get well soon!;D

Anonymous said...

thanks joc...yup getting bored ..and this layout is neater...

ms yveon,will post pictures definitely,looking forward to them to get away from the cold!!!How's life for you?Getting used to the new job?