I welcomed the new year in such a haste!We arrived at Heathrow back from Czec Republic after five days visit to my dear fren , slossy.( will write more about this later)
This year has been such a blessed year with so many adventures and learning expereinces. It went off so fast that I could not even remember.Several major decisions were being made and I could not imagine all these happening without the councel of my heavenly father.
From my early promotion in this year to my decision to tie the knot with BB ( small garden wedding soleminisation in the eyes of the lord) and thereafter quitting my job in mid year to join him in the states, my life has been a real roller coaster for 2006.Taking a leap in faith to trust that he will provide deepen my walk with him that i can rest in him and not worried about the future. He has been so awesome, his way of showing me that he has taken care of everything was beyond desciptions.
Many times this year, i am being challenged by him to learn to trust in him. Besides those i have mentioned, my doubts about my own capabilities to evangelise in Mongolia, to serve in the children ministry, he showed me that he will use the weak in his work as well. Nothing is impossible in his hands and he showed me how miraculously he works ( finding a job in london within such a short period of time)He provided me with the strength to withstand uncertainty and i am glad to know that we will be eventually settled in NYC for the next few years.
I am thankful for all the travel opportunities he provided. This year marked my highest record of travels to: Beijing, Mongolia,Belgium, France, Spain, Morroco, Czec Republic, UK . Many life expereinces learnt.Seem different cultures, way of lives , made new friends and realised how small the world is . The world itself in 2006 has been pretty unrestful and I prayed that the nations will conitnue to work towards peace and harmony. Less pollution and more countries to be more enviromental friendly.
With a new family set up, i also prayed that the lows and the toos will continue to be closely knitted. It will be harder for us to spend time with our families as we decided to spend a few more years overseas.And i prayed that god will show me how to be a good disciple,wife, daughter, daughter-in-law , sister and friend. It can be difficult at times to show how we care for each other when physical distances are limited and i need to trust him that he will keep our families and friends close and safe and healthy.
I prayed that i can continue to glorify him in his kingdom,in whatever way he wish to use me. I aim to keep a more regular bible study regime through personal quiet time and fellowships (BSF),couple prayers and continue to serve in Sunday School. I aim to pray more for others and establish deeper relationships.
I prayed that there will be favorable results in my grad school application and god will provide all finances for the studies.I pray that I will have a breakthrough in career through the studies and research.I also prayed that he will blessed me with a more stable teaching job in States for the next few years.
I prayed that BB will get settled in his new job with good colleagues and wonderful working environment. May he shine in his job with the blessings of the lord and not be swarmed by the competitive,cut throat banking industry. May his eyes be fixed on the lord and never be tempted by the worldly gains.May he has good health,energy and dote on me more.(hehe)May our chinese banquet held in June be a joyous celebration for all and may our marriage continue to filled with respect, patience, tolerance, support ,gentleness and most importantly to centre around the lord.
What a year it has been for you :) Blessed 2007 and may it be filled with much love, joy and blessings!
All the best to your Jun wedding dinner too! :)
Girl what an adventurous year for you! Happy New Year!
HEy girl, how are you?
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