When you are seeing each other everyday, there is no way you can lose sight of each other when every single event in your life is so closely related. I felt i can hardly move myself out of Ron's sight to get a pressie for his birthday. I felt so bad . Maybe we share the same car and there is no way you can move around over here without a car. I hv been thinking of what to get for his birthday this year and arranging some surprises since this is his first birthday to be spent as a couple.Cupcakes was the initial idea but i dismissed that since I sucked at baking. And guess what, today, when we gathered for a CNY gathering,his fren's wife baked him some cupcakes and we sang him a birthday song. Then he said," it has been a long time since i hv blowed candles and have a cake." gosh...can you imagine how bad I felt???I wish i had just baked the cupcakes ....I reallie wish...
i hope he will like what i get for him..I will pass him the pressie when the clock struck twelve tonight.

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