God works in mysterious way,isn't he? I feel that he is answering all my prayers now,he is so near and i can feel that he is watching over me. Yesterday was such an eventful day. Soaking up in his presence at the London Woman Convention the whole day was thrilling.The highlight of the day was the Seminar: Submission of Marriage. I did not get to choose this as i bought the ticket during last week.Many of my churchmates have choosen others . I believed god has put me in this seminar for a reason. Lots of discusion with other women (mostly older) and you realise that all woman are the same.Critical, Naggy,to eager to take charge and sometimes this will not help our man to rise up as a leader in the family. There are cases of wife abuses, husbands on drugs and alcohol where the speaker found it hard to give a specific answer to them.We began to pray as a congregation for them I thank god that i did not have a husband like that.Submission , there is no hard rule to that but always remember how our lord submits and die for us ,sinners . We will know that submission is not shameful, is not demeaning but has its value and purpose. It does not mean inequality or we have to be agreeable to everything. Submission to our marriage involves unconditional sacrifice,respect to our husband both in speech and behaviour. God creates woman to be a helper but that does not mean that a woman is inferior to man. Woman can rise up in work place as well. Woman can take charge when the man is too busy work. Woman can take up leadership positions as well. All in all,god creates woman and man to be complement to each other.None will be perfect with each other and is how they try to work out between each other to achieve what god has for their designated divine roles.
Thank you lord, for taking care of every little needs in my life. You know what are the lacks in my life and you complete them. I longed to dwell in your presence forever and pray that you will keep my families safe and sound.Amen.
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