Saturday started off with a blast with me and baby running along the riverside walk. It reminded us when we ran along Jersey City just opposite Manhantten back in July. But I prefer the Manhantten view to this . Partly, we are now staying near a Wharf so you feel that the area is pretty much disorganised with the cranes and ships docking around.
Anyway the pot-luck party was good. EJ woke up early to go to Billingate to buy clams and both bb and I were just too exhausted to tag along.He then came back and started to prepare his hainanese and Nasi Lemak rice . I am totally impressed and of course sneaky me decided to be his kitchen helper in order to steal the receipe. He actually cooked both dishes from scratch, including the chilli!!!It was incredible delicious and everyone loves it. This guy even prepared the summer cocktail drink called..(i couldn't remember the name ).
I am totally impressed by this bunch of lawyers and bankers .They cooked really nice food. We have delicious apple shruders,chocolate and banana fudge cakes, puffs, truffle,bee hoon,curry ,braised chicken.I filled my stomach till it bloated .Simply the food is irresistable.Aren't they great ?And they have awesome personalities!!!!Fun loving, wacky,sincere,bubbly,humorous...thank god for meeting them!!Totally changed my image of these people in the profession.
Well and did I mention this is a all Singaporean/ Malaysian thingy plus some BBC ( Britisn born Chinese) and CBC( Canadian Born Chinese). So is real fun and warm to meet people from your hometown again.Lots of fun that night but lots of mess to clean up because EJ invited over 25 people over in his squeezy little apartment.
And one more thing which is an interesting trend to note....These lawyers and bankers are all from RJC!!!!! I am wondering what happened to all the Victorians and Ron said how about the ACians?I replied," ACians have to depend on their Mamas and Papas and will not be here to venture ."Ron and EJ got pissed...........hehehe
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