My fellowship grp leader .she is a real cool babe. I learn so much from her and husband. SHe is so confident and mature. I am glad i am with them . Sunday school gang excluding EJ. I am gg to start helping out the next following week and i was totally thrilled to be able to serve. I am glad that things work out. I am very thankful that i got to know them better during this retreat. Min, the ever sassy babe from malaysia but has been in Uk for the past ten years. Linguist and a talented gal, she is one with interesting personality whom most guys will find it attractive yet too hard to deal with Mel , the financial controller of the church Out in the field to hv some fun with football and fresbie
And i want to join in as well.... My name is Joel and I am 2.5 years old My name is Talia and I am only 18mths I am wondering what is this big sister doing over here Joel is blocking my view... he wants to join in the fun as well Now i Have a better view.geez:)
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