Thursday, February 15, 2007

No more daughters of Babylon!

I like Berth Moore's bible study on Daniel.It made me reflected how much today's world is like the ancient Babylon who is self absorbed ,ego stroked and over indulgent.The Babylonian Empire in Daniel represents symbolically of today's world of materialism,image building ,excessive and indulgent culture. I am convicted sometimes, how i was being influenced by these as well.

Today my devotional is :God forbids superiority. We all know that.I esteem you highly as I am pondering the same questions right beside you.King Nebuchadenezzar of Babylon who build his golden image so that he has the greatest kingdom which makes servants of all heralds some loud questions:

1.Do we feel important when surrounded by those we deem important?
2.Do we feel more important when someone important notices us?
3.Do we like to be seen with those who seem important?
4.Are we name makers or name dropperes?

Any timid yes to any of those questions nods its head to Babylonian indoctrination.The need for identity and sense of significance is as human as our DNA. We begin his search in pursuit of ourselves only to arrive solely disappointed or cavernously empty.I prayed god will lead the RR family to be more like Daniel to resist this modern babylonian lure and temptation and be more consistent in the walk in his kingdom.Amen.

1 Peter 5:6 (New International Version)Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.


Anonymous said...

I am going through Beth Moore's Daniel study right now myself. It has been truly eye-opening as we walk through this, and see the Babylonian-like culture all around us. You are so right, and we are all so guilty.

Zealous said...

Hi Peridawn,
Thanks for dropping by. What a coincidence that you are doing Daniel's study at the same time.It was indeed a very good bible study series. Amen to our almighty lord !!